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Writing Projects

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Hymns For The Twilight Children
A Novel

An elegiac tale of old bones breaking free. 


When a 9-year-old adoptee finds an infant’s skull near a river, he regresses into memory and fantasy, an alternate reality where his original family is still alive. Set in 1970s Ireland, the boy finds companionship with the skull; through it, he grieves, finds voice, and creates beauty from his losses. Revealed is a tragic past, rising and falling, a living echo chamber of the bones.


Inspired by the scandalous discovery of the remains of almost 800 babies and young children in an abandoned septic tank at The Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home: a tale re-envisioned, the dead given voice. 

Read selected excerpt HERE.

Follow Heatherlie's progress on Instagram.


Cora Cordium
A Short Story Collection

Tales told in love and horror, mother figures abound, all monstrous, life-giving and life-rescinding. 


Written under the lens of the mystic, this collection intersects the redemptive themes of motherhood, of loss, and of reconciliation.


To be published by The Altar(ed) Slate in collaboration with Snakeroot Works and In Solace Publishing

Read selected excerpt HERE.

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